Ideas for Single Babes this Valentine’s Day

Ideas for Single Babes this Valentine’s Day

Single this Valentine’s Day? Don’t let that get you in a rut! This holiday is a perfect celebration of all forms of love, including self-love.

Check out our Valentine’s Day date guide for some fun, affordable, and accessible ways to celebrate this year’s love day with some pizzaz!


Date Ideas for Singles


1. Indulge yourself in self-care.      

Self-care means taking care of your body, mind, and emotions. This can mean taking some time out of your schedule to do something that enriches these parts of yourself. I love doing skin care and taking a hot bath with herbal blends. Here are some ideas you can take inspiration from:           

  • Watching your favorite movie and eating your favorite comfort food
  • Going outside and moving your body
  • Talking to someone you trust if you need to vent
  • Journaling
  • Meditation
  • Creating a gratitude list
  • Getting a mani-pedi.
  • Talking to a therapist


2. Think of your perfect date and take yourself on it. 

I know what you’re thinking: being alone??

And to that I want to ask yourself what is the worst thing that can happen? Plan something you really want to do. It could be going to a park and planning a picnic, going to the movies and buying a shit ton of popcorn and candy (my personal fave), eating something new at your favorite restaurant, or even going to an aquarium. Most places like these have discount days anyways, so why not plan a nice little date for yourself? This is a great way to practice being present in your body and learning how to be okay with being alone, which is not a bad thing! Being alone teaches us independence, autonomy, and confidence in ourselves.


3. Radicalize Valentine’s Day and celebrate platonic love! 

Platonic love is shared between siblings, friends, family, and those you can trust and rely on who you don’t consider romantic relationships. Valentine’s Day is meant to celebrate love in all its many forms, not just romantic love!

Enjoy the abundance of friendship with a “Pal”-entine’s Day celebration, where you invite all your favorite pals and celebrate in union with each other. You can cook, watch a movie, or dance. This year, a group of friends and I will be communing under the stars for a Valentine’s Day bonfire. We’ll be making candles and setting intentions for the relationships in our lives. It’s like a night in with your friends, but with a lovey dovey flair!